Asian American Studies Jump To: Jump To: Program Offerings Minor Offering type Minor The Program in Asian American Studies, administered by the Effron Center for the Study of America, provides students with the opportunity to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on the diversity of Asian American and Pacific Islander histories, cultures and contemporary experiences. The course of study focuses on the formative emergence of this pan-ethnic group in the United States. It also highlights Asian America’s transnational connections and contexts, including the dynamics of globalization, migration, imperialism and postcoloniality. The structure of the Program in Asian American Studies facilitates productive engagement with the programs housed in the Effron Center and encourages comparative and intersectional work with the Department of African American Studies, Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies and other relevant fields of study that help to contextualize Asian American histories and cultures within the diversity of experiences in the United States.For more information, please visit the Effron Center website. Goals for Student Learning Demonstrate interdisciplinary thinking by integrating knowledge from various disciplines, such as history, sociology, literature, political science, anthropology and cultural studies, to explore and analyze complex issues in Asian American studies.Analyze and critically evaluate the impact of power structures, such as racism, colonialism and oppression on Asian American and Pacific Island communities in the United States, within national, global, diasporic and trans-Pacific contexts.Understand the importance of ethical research practices and engage in responsible scholarship that respects the rights and dignity of individuals and communities.Develop a comprehensive understanding of the historical and contemporary experiences of Asian American and Pacific Island communities and other diverse ethnic groups in the United States, including their representation/identity, historical struggles and national contributions.Develop strong research and analytical skills to investigate and interpret primary and secondary sources related to Asian American studies, including oral histories, literature, art, film and other media.Demonstrate an awareness of the interconnectedness of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class and other social categories in shaping the experiences of individuals and communities in the United States, Asia and the world.Foster a critical understanding of social justice and advocacy movements led by different racial and ethnic communities, and the strategies and tactics employed to challenge systems of inequality that promote social change.Develop effective written and oral communication skills to articulate complex ideas and arguments related to Asian American studies and engage in respectful dialogue and debate around issues of race, ethnicity, politics and power.Apply theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills to real-world issues and challenges faced by ethnic and racial communities in the United States, particularly Asian American and Pacific Island communities, and develop practical solutions that promote equity, justice and inclusivity.Cultivate self-reflection and empathy, and recognize one's own positionality and biases in relation to different communities and the broader society.Explore the diversity of identities and experiences within and across ethnic communities, including but not limited to Indigenous, African American, Asian American and Pacific Island, Latino/a/x and Middle Eastern communities in the United States of America. Admission to the Program Students from all departments are welcome to the program. There are no prerequisites, and courses taken prior to enrollment may count toward the minor requirements. Students are encouraged to enroll in the minor beginning at the end of sophomore year through the end of junior year. Students are normally encouraged to take the gateway course ASA 101 prior to declaring the minor, however students may also do so at any time during their studies, including after enrollment in the minor. To enroll in the program, students should complete the online enrollment form on the Effron Center website. New students should plan to meet with the associate director or program coordinator of the Effron Center before the end of their first year of enrollment to review their plans for fulfilling the minor requirements. Program of Study Students may earn a minor in Asian American studies by successfully completing the following requirements, consisting of five courses:ASA101: Comparative Perspectives on Power, Resistance and Change (formerly America Then and Now)Three courses in Asian American studies, either originating in the program or cross-listed, and preferably representing disciplinary breadth in the social sciences, arts and humanities. No more than one course taken in fulfillment of the student’s major may be counted toward the minor. With the approval of the program director or associate chair, a student may substitute a comparative race and ethnicity course that contains substantial Asian American studies content for one of these courses.Advanced Seminar. With the approval of the program director or associate chair, a student may substitute an advanced seminar with additional ASA elective to further their scholarship in this field. Faculty Director Beth Lew-Williams Associated Faculty Anne Cheng, English Christina H. Lee, Spanish & Portuguese Beth Lew-Williams, History Ryo Morimoto, Anthropology Paul Nadal, English Kinohi Nishikawa, English For a full list of faculty members and fellows please visit the department or program website. Courses AMS 101 - Comparative Perspectives on Power, Resistance and Change (also ASA 101/LAO 101) Fall CD or EC This course introduces students to methods of American Studies, Asian American Studies, and Latino Studies through discussion of some of the signature ideas, events, and debates in and about America's past and present. It presents students various scholarly approaches to historical and mythic manifestations of America from local, national, and global perspectives and considers the historical and cognitive processes associated with the delineation of America. The course examines a wide range of material and media from the point of view of multiple fields of study. A. Beliso-De Jesús, S. Khan, A. Carruth AMS 403 - Advanced Seminar in American Studies (also ASA 403/LAO 403/SOC 403) Not offered this year CD or SA Advanced seminars bring students into spaces of collaborative exploration after pursuing their individual paths of study in American studies, Asian American/diasporic studies, and/or Latino studies. To students culminating programs of study toward one or more of the certificates offered by the Effron Center for the Study of America, advanced seminars offer the important opportunity to integrate their cumulative knowledge. Staff AMS 406 - Advanced Seminar (also ASA 406/LAO 406) Fall HA Advanced seminars bring students into spaces of collaborative exploration after pursuing their individual paths of study in American studies, Asian American/diasporic studies, and/or Latino studies. To students culminating programs of study toward one or more of the certificates offered by the Effron Center for the Study of America, advanced seminars offer the important opportunity to integrate their cumulative knowledge. W. Gleason HIS 270 - Asian American History (also AMS 370/ASA 370) Spring CD or HA This course introduces students to the multiple and varied experiences of people of Asian heritage in the United States from the 19th century to the present day. It focuses on three major questions: (1) What brought Asians to the United States? (2) How did Asian Americans come to be viewed as a race? (3) How does Asian American experience transform our understanding of U.S. history? Using newspapers, novels, government reports, and films, this course will cover major topics in Asian American history, including Chinese Exclusion, Japanese internment, transnational adoption, and the model minority stereotype. B. Lew-Williams