Hellenic Studies Jump To: Jump To: Program Offerings Minor Offering type Minor The Minor in Hellenic Studies (HLS) aims to provide students with a thorough introduction to the history, literature and culture of the Greek-speaking Eastern Mediterranean over the past 3,000 years. This minor will allow students to engage, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, with all aspects of Hellenism, its global encounters and cross-cultural dialogues. At the same time, students in the Hellenic studies minor will acquire a strong grounding in the long history of this important region of the world. Goals for Student Learning Hellenic studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the language, literature, history, art and culture of the Greek world in the eastern Mediterranean (and beyond) over the past 3,000 years. The goal of the minor in Hellenic studies is to provide students exposure to and familiarity with the breadth and depth of the tradition of Hellenism and its global reception over this period of three millennia. Hellenic studies undergraduate learning goals include:Study the full breadth and depth of the Hellenic tradition through the close examination of texts, material objects, visual culture and music.Provide a focused and intensive approach to humanistic studies more generally, via this intensive engagement with the long tradition of Hellenism.Acquire a global perspective on the reception of Hellenic texts, visual and material culture, and music.Develop an ability to appreciate critically one’s own historical and cultural particularity through this deep historical and broad geographical study of Hellenic texts, ideas and objects.Offer students first-hand exposure to objects of material and visual culture through Hellenic Collections in the Princeton Library and the Princeton Art Museum, as well as visits to museums in the United States and access to research collections and historical sites in Greece.Make available opportunities for on-site summer study, archaeological excavations, internships and public service in Greece, at the Princeton Athens Center and selected sites around the country.Offer an intensive “Princeton in Greece” semester-long full credit-bearing program for undergraduates in the humanities and the social sciences.Enrich students’ undergraduate experience by encouraging them to take part in the diverse activities and programming of the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, including meeting graduate students, visiting fellows and postdoctoral researchers from around the world. Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for the Hellenic studies minor. Students are encouraged to take HLS 222, Hellenism: The First 3000 Years, by the end of their sophomore year. Admission to the Program Students will normally declare a minor in Hellenic studies by the end of the spring of their junior year. In exceptional cases, with the permission of the director of the program in Hellenic studies and the student’s Residential College dean, a student may be admitted to the HLS minor as late as the fall of their senior year, provided they have already taken Hellenic studies courses that will count toward the minor.To declare a minor, students should contact the director of the Program in Hellenic Studies to signal their intent. Program of Study Five HLS courses in total are required for the Hellenic studies minor.All students in the minor are required to take the gateway seminar HLS 222.Students will also be required to take one 400-level HLS seminar, approved by the director of the Program in Hellenic Studies.All HLS cross-listed courses will be designated as “HSR” (History, Society, Religion), “LLP” (Language, Literature, Philosophy), or “VMM” (Visual and Material Culture, and Music). Some classes may have more than one designation. Students pursuing the minor will be required to take at least one course from each designation. At least one of the three required courses must have as its central chronological focus the post-Classical Greek world, i.e., one (or more) of the following periods of Hellenism: Late Antique, medieval/Byzantine, renaissance/early modern, modern, and contemporary.All HLS classes taken to fulfill the Hellenic studies minor requirement, save the HLS gateway seminar, can also be counted toward fulfilling the student’s major requirement. Typically, no more than two courses will be allowed to double-count with a student’s major. Independent Work Independent work is not required for the Hellenic studies minor. Additional Information Students who have successfully completed the five courses required for the Hellenic studies minor will have a solid introduction to the literature, history and culture of the Hellenic Eastern Mediterranean, broadly conceived, for the past 3,000 years. Their critical understanding of this multicultural area and subject matter and, more broadly, their sustained engagement with the humanities and the social sciences, will be further enriched by pursuing study and research on-site in Greece and the Hellenic Mediterranean.Princeton’s Hellenic studies program has long been the leading program of its kind in North America and, arguably, the leading Hellenic studies program in the world outside of Greece. With our faculty and resources, we aim to offer Hellenic studies students a unique curriculum and a thorough, multifaceted exposure to some of the most compelling stories, people and places in the human experience of the past three millennia. For questions regarding the Hellenic studies minor, please contact the program's administrative coordinator at [email protected]. Faculty Director Dimitri H. Gondicas (acting) Jack B. Tannous Executive Committee Nathan T. Arrington, Art and Archaeology Mark R. Beissinger, Politics Joshua H. Billings, Classics Emmanuel C. Bourbouhakis, Classics Marina S. Brownlee, Spanish & Portuguese Elizabeth A. Davis, Anthropology Dimitri H. Gondicas, Council of the Humanities, ex officio Molly Greene, History Eric S. Gregory, Religion Johannes Haubold, Classics Melissa Lane, Politics Hendrik Lorenz, Philosophy Efthymia Rentzou, French & Italian Michael A. Reynolds, Near Eastern Studies Teresa Shawcross, History Associated Faculty M. Christine Boyer, Architecture Eduardo L. Cadava, English Marc Domingo Gygax, Classics Karen R. Emmerich, Comparative Literature Barbara Graziosi, Classics Brooke A. Holmes, Classics Samuel Holzman, Art and Archaeology Spyros Papapetros, Architecture Helmut Reimitz, History Jamie L. Reuland, Music Carolyn Yerkes, Art and Archaeology Sits with Committee David T. Jenkins Carolyn Laferriere Nikolaos Panou Alan M. Stahl For a full list of faculty members and fellows please visit the department or program website. Courses HLS 101 - Elementary Modern Greek I (also MOG 101) Fall Designed to serve as an introduction to the language of modern Greece. Practice in speaking, grammatical analysis, composition, and graded reading. Four classes. No credit is given for HLS 101 unless followed by HLS 102. Staff HLS 102 - Elementary Modern Greek II (also MOG 102) Spring A continuation of 101, aiming to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing modern Greek in a cultural context. Classroom activities include videos, comprehension and grammar exercises, and discussions. Four classes. Staff HLS 105 - Intermediate Modern Greek (also MOG 105) Fall Advanced grammatical analysis, composition, and graded reading, with further practice in speaking. An introduction to themes in the Hellenic tradition through readings in modern Greek literature. Four classes. Prerequisite: 102 or instructor's permission. Staff HLS 107 - Advanced Modern Greek (also MOG 107) Spring Advanced composition and oral practice aimed at developing idiomatic written and spoken style. Discussions entirely in Greek. Introduces students to contemporary Greek culture and literature through the study of works by Cavafy, Sikelianos, Seferis, Elytis, Ritsos, and Anagnostakis, among others. Readings from articles on current Greek topics. Four classes. Prerequisite: 105 or instructor's permission. Staff HLS 222 - Hellenism: The First 3000 Years (also CLA 223/HIS 222) Fall CD or LA Over the past 3,000 years, texts written in Greek played a central role for how people in Western Eurasia understood themselves, their society, their values, and the nature of the universe. Over the same three millennia, the Greek language played a central role in a variety of political communities, including ancient Athens, the empire of Alexander, the Roman empire, Byzantium, and the modern nation state of Greece. In this course, we will trace the history of these two phenomena: the political life and fortunes of Greek speakers and the cultural life of texts written in Greek, seeking to understand the relationship between the two. J. Tannous, K. Stergiopoulou HLS 361 - Special Topics in Modern Greek Civilization Not offered this year LA An aspect or period of modern Greek civilization since the War of Independence (1821) as it is illuminated by literary, historical, and other relevant sources. Emphasis will be given to the cross-cultural context of the topic, including the relation of modern Greece to Western, Eastern, or Balkan cultures, or the Hellenic diaspora in America and elsewhere. Staff HLS 362 - Special Topics in Byzantine Civilization Not offered this year An aspect of the civilization of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, from 312 to 1453, as illuminated by literary, historical, and other relevant sources. Emphasis will be given to the cross-cultural context of the topic, including relations of the Byzantine Empire with Sassanid Persia, the Arabs, the Slavs, and Western Europe. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff HLS 363 - Special Topics in Hellenic Studies Not offered this year The diachronic development of a theme, genre, or institution, with emphasis on the continuities and discontinuities between successive periods of Hellenic culture--ancient, Byzantine, and modern. The approach will be interdisciplinary and cross-cultural. Staff HLS 461 - Great Cities of the Greek World (also ART 461) Not offered this year LA An intensive interdisciplinary study of the evolution of a city, such as Athens, Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Alexandria, or Antioch, where Greek civilization flourished through successive periods, from antiquity to the present. A study of the form and the image of the city as seen in its monuments and urban fabric, as well as in the works of artists, writers, and travelers. Prerequisite: instructor's permission. Two 90-minute classes. Staff ANT 305 - Psychological Anthropology (also HLS 305) Fall EC This seminar addresses the social relations in which mental health, mental illness, and psycho-medical knowledge are entangled and produced. We will engage various cross-cultural approaches to mental conflicts and pathologies: psychoanalysis, ethnopsychology, biomedical psychiatry, transcultural psychiatry, and religious and "alternative" practices of diagnosis and healing. Drawing on ethnographic and clinical studies from Greek and other contexts, we will examine the role of culture in determining lines between normal and pathological, and consider the intertwining of psyche and body in human experience and behavior. E. Davis ART 205 - Medieval Art in Europe (also HLS 205) Not offered this year LA The art of Europe from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance. Emphasis on the effects of cultural, religious, and political change on artistic production. Works treated include the Lindisfarne Gospels, the Bayeux Tapestry, Chartres Cathedral, and the Ste. Chapelle. For department majors, this course satisfies the Group 2 distribution requirement. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff ART 206 - Byzantine Art and Architecture (also HLS 206) Not offered this year LA Art and architecture of the Eastern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe ca. 600-1500. The course will focus on the art of the Byzantine Empire and its capital, Constantinople, and on its broad sphere of cultural influence (Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Sicily, Venice, Serbia, Bulgaria, Rumania). An examination of principal factors that shaped the artistic legacy of eastern Christendom during the Middle Ages. Offered in alternate years. For department majors, this course satisfies the Group 2 distribution requirement. Two lectures, one preceptorial. C. Barber ART 228 - Art and Power in the Middle Ages (also HLS 228/HUM 228/MED 228) HA or LA In twelve weeks this course will examine major art works from the twelve centuries (300-1500 CE) that encompass the European Middle Ages. Presenting works from Europe and the Middle East, the course will introduce students to the art of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam; the great courts of the Eastern- and Holy Roman Empires, and the roving Vikings, Celts and Visigoths. Students will not only be invited to consider how art can represent and shape notions of sacred and secular power, but will also come to understand how the work of 'art' in this period is itself powerful and, sometimes, dangerous. Staff ART 301 - The Art of the Iron Age: The Near East and Early Greece (also CLA 302/HLS 301) Not offered this year LA The course will focus on the formation of new artistic traditions in the ancient Near East and late-period Egypt after 1000 B.C.E. and then investigate their interrelationships with early Greece and the controversial theories of modern scholars of the dependence of early Greece on the ancient Near East. For department majors, this course satisfies the Group 1 distribution requirement. Two 90-minute classes. N. Arrington ART 310 - The Icon (also HLS 354/MED 307) Spring LA In this class we will examine the history, function, theory and meaning of the icon. We will also examine the icon's influence upon the discourses of Modernism. A more practical aspect of this class is that participants in the course will work with the Princeton University Art Museum's icon collection and with its collection of icon painter's preparatory drawings. The class will provide participants with a broad grounding in questions pertaining to the icon. C. Barber ART 316 - The Formation of Christian Art (also CLA 213/HLS 316) HA or LA Art in late antiquity has often been characterized as an art in decline, but this judgment is relative, relying on standards formulated for art of other periods. Challenging this assumption, we will examine the distinct and powerful transformations within the visual culture of the period between the third and sixth centuries AD. This period witnesses the mutation of the institutions of the Roman Empire into those of the Christian Byzantine Empire. The fundamental change in religious identity that was the basis for this development directly impacted the art from that era that will be the focus of this course. C. Barber ART 401 - Archaeological Methods and Theory (also HLS 411) Spring EC Introduces students to the methods and thinking of archaeologists and prehistorians. Topics include the concept of prehistory; ethnographic analogy and the interpretation of material remains; relating material culture to texts; schemes of cultural interpretation; and how to read an excavation report. This seminar is required for the Certificate in Archaeology. One three-hour seminar. N. Arrington ART 410 - Seminar. Greek Art (also HLS 410) Not offered this year LA Topics of Greek art and architecture that will normally deal with the Hellenistic period (323-31 B.C.). Depending on student interest, special subjects may also be treated in relation to the Hellenistic period, such as classicism, or the course may concentrate on thematic studies, such as architectural sculpture. Two 90-minute seminars. Prerequisite: a course in ancient art or instructor's permission. For department majors, this course satisfies the Group 1 distribution requirement. Offered in alternate years. N. Arrington ART 430 - Seminar. Medieval Art (also HLS 430/MED 430) Fall EM or LA Topics in medieval art and/or architecture. Prerequisite: a course in the art of this period or instructor's permission. For department majors, this course satisfies the Group 2 distribution requirement. One three-hour seminar. C. Barber CLA 211 - Rhetoric: Classical Theory, Modern Practice (also HLS 211) Not offered this year EC Stylish, seductive, surreptitious, and scorned, the ubiquitous art of persuasion will be the focus of this course. We will first approach rhetoric through the classical tradition, learning to recognize basic figures of speech and thought with an eye towards identifying what is persuasive and why. We will then consider how rhetoric continues to thrive, despite abundant moral and philosophical attacks, in public self-presentation, whether of household products, of politicians, or institutions such as Princeton. Staff CLA 212 - Classical Mythology (also GSS 212/HLS 212/HUM 212) Not offered this year LA A study of classical myths in their cultural context and in their wider application to abiding human concerns (such as creation, generation, sex and gender, identity, heroic experience, death, and transformations). A variety of approaches for understanding the mythic imagination and symbol formation through literature, art, and film. Two lectures, one preceptorial. K. Stergiopoulou CLA 217 - The Greek World in the Hellenistic Age (also HIS 217/HLS 217) Spring HA The Greek experience from Alexander the Great through Cleopatra. An exploration of the dramatic expansion of the Greek world into the Near East brought about by the conquests and achievements of Alexander. Study of the profound political, social, and intellectual changes that stemmed from the interaction of the cultures, and the entrance of Greece into the sphere of Rome. Readings include history, biography, religious narrative, comedy, and epic poetry. Two lectures, one preceptorial. M. Domingo Gygax CLA 231 - Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine: Bodies, Physicians, and Patients (also GHP 331/HIS 231/HLS 231) Spring EM or HA Where does medicine begin in the West? In this course, we will go back to the earliest medical texts written in ancient Greece that try to give an account of disease as a natural phenomenon that happens inside the biological body. Our aim is not simply to reconstruct the theories of health and disease that these authors put forth. It is also to see the kinds of questions and problems that arise when healers take responsibility for the care and treatment of bodies. B. Holmes CLA 320 - Topics in Medieval Greek Literature (also GSS 320/HLS 320/MED 320) Not offered this year LA The subject of this course will be medieval Greek Romantic fiction. We will read translations of the four surviving novels written in twelfth-century Constantinople in a bid to answer questions about the link between eroticism and the novel, truth and invention in the middle ages, who read fiction and why, and what role, if any, did the medieval or Byzantine Romances have in the story of the European novel. Above all, we will seek to recover some of the pleasure felt by the medieval readers and audiences of these novels. E. Bourbouhakis CLA 324 - Classical Historians and Their Philosophies of History (also HIS 328/HLS 322) Not offered this year HA Major classical historians, especially Herodotus and Thucydides, are studied in connection with the theory and practice of the art or science of history. Lectures and preceptorials treat the development of historical writing and its relationship to philosophy, politics, literature, and science, and problems such as that of fact and interpretation in historical writing. Two lectures, one preceptorial. M. Domingo Gygax CLA 326 - Topics in Ancient History (also HIS 326/HLS 373/HUM 324) Fall/Spring HA A period, problem, or theme in ancient history or religion with critical attention to the ancient sources and modern discussions. The topic and instructor vary from year to year. Format will change each time, depending on enrollment. Prof. Marc Domingo Gygax will teach the Fall. Prof. Harriet Flower will teach the Spring. M. Domingo Gygax, H. Flower CLA 330 - Greek Law and Legal Practice (also CHV 330/HLS 340) Not offered this year EM The development of Greek legal traditions, from Homer to the Hellenistic age. The course focuses on the relationship between ideas about justice, codes of law, and legal practice (courtroom trials, arbitration), and the development of legal theory. Two 90-minute seminars. M. Domingo Gygax CLA 334 - Modern Transformations of Classical Themes (also COM 334/HLS 367) Not offered this year LA A special topic concerning the adaptation of one or more classical themes in contemporary culture through media such as literature, film, and music. Two 90-minute seminars. Staff CLA 335 - Studies in the Classical Tradition (also COM 390/ENG 235/HLS 335) Not offered this year LA A classical genre or literary theme will be studied as it was handed down and transformed in later ages, for example, the European epic; ancient prose fiction and the picaresque tradition; the didactic poem. Two 90-minute seminars. K. Stergiopoulou CLA 338 - Topics in Classical Thought (also HLS 368/PHI 389) Not offered this year EC The ancients were fascinated by dreams and debated a variety of views about the nature, origin, and function of dreams. Are dreams divine messages about the future, our souls' indications of impending diseases, or just distorted versions of earlier thoughts? Do dreams have meaning and if so, how can we understand them? We will explore ancient approaches to dreams and their enigmas in literature and philosophy, medical texts, and religious practices. Although our focus will be on Greek and Roman texts, we will also pay attention to earlier Near Eastern sources as well as modern dream theories from Freud to scientific dream research. M. Kotwick CLG 240 - Introduction to Post-Classical Greek from the Late Antique to the Byzantine Era (also HLS 240/MED 240) Not offered this year LA Readings will focus on historical, literary, philosophical, or religious texts with a range from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine periods. Two 90-minute seminars. M. Kotwick COM 205 - The Classical Roots of Western Literature (also HLS 203/HUM 205) Fall CD or EM An introduction to the methods and some major texts of comparative literary study. It will focus on the Greco-Roman tradition, asking what it means to call a work a "classic": it will consider the outstanding characteristics of this tradition, how it arose and gained influence and attempt to place it in a global context. Readings will be divided into three topics: Epic Heroes (centering on Homer's Odyssey), Tragic Women (in ancient and modern drama), and the "invention" of modernity (Aeneid). Selected additional readings in non-Western literatures and in influential critical essays. Two lectures, one preceptorial. L. Barkan COM 324 - The Classical Tradition (also HLS 324) Spring LA Classical mythology in the arts from Ovid to Shakespeare, from Zeuxis to Titian, with a particular emphasis on the subject of love. Introductory discussions on the nature of myth in its relation to the literary and visual arts. Readings will include major literary works from antiquity to the Renaissance integrated with the study of mythological painting, principally from 15th- and 16th-century Italy, including the works of Botticelli, Correggio, and Titian. One three-hour seminar. L. Barkan COM 326 - Tragedy (also HLS 326) Not offered this year LA The tragic vision as expressed by Greek, Renaissance, and modern writers who dramatize the relationship between human suffering and human achievement. Readings in Aeschylus, Sophocles, the Old Testament, Shakespeare, Milton, Chekhov, Ibsen, Sartre, Brecht, Beckett, and T. S. Eliot. One lecture, one two-hour seminar. Staff COM 369 - Beyond Crisis Contemporary Greece in Context (also ECS 369/HLS 369/HUM 369) Fall SA This course examines an emergent historical situation as it unfolds: the ongoing financial, social, and humanitarian "crisis" in Greece, including the "refugee crisis." It offers a comparative approach to current Greek cultural production, through literature and film of the past decade and writings drawn from history, anthropology, political science, economics, news sources, and political blogs. We also probe terms like "crisis," exploring how language shapes our understanding of events and how our perceptions of an unfamiliar culture, history, and society are mediated not just by linguistic translation but by market forces and media spin. K. Emmerich HIS 210 - The World of Late Antiquity (also CLA 202/HLS 210/MED 210) Not offered this year HA This course will focus on the history of the later Roman Empire, a period which historians often refer to as "Late Antiquity." We will begin our class in pagan Rome at the start of the third century and end it in Baghdad in the ninth century: in between these two points, the Mediterranean world experienced a series of cultural and political revolutions whose reverberations can still be felt today. We will witness civil wars, barbarian invasions, the triumph of Christianity over paganism, the fall of the Western Empire, the rise of Islam, the Greco-Arabic translation movement and much more. J. Tannous HIS 343 - The Formation of the Christian West (also CLA 343/HLS 343/MED 343) Fall HA A study of the emergence of a distinctive Western European civilization out of Christian, Greco-Roman, and Germanic institutions and ideas from the decline of the Roman Empire to about A.D. 1050. Two lectures, one preceptorial. H. Reimitz HIS 345 - The Crusades (also HLS 345/MED 345) Not offered this year HA The Crusades were a central phenomenon of the Middle Ages. This course examines the origins and development of the Crusades and the Crusader States in the Islamic East. It explores dramatic events, such as the great Siege of Jerusalem, and introduces vivid personalities, including Richard the Lionheart and Saladin. We will consider aspects of institutional, economic, social and cultural history and compare medieval Christian (Western and Byzantine), Muslim and Jewish perceptions of the crusading movement. Finally, we will critically examine the resonance the movement continues to have in current political and ideological debates T. Shawcross HIS 358 - History of the Balkans (also HLS 358) Not offered this year HA Examines the rise of nationalism in the Balkans, beginning with an examination of Balkan society under the Ottomans and continuing up through the establishment of nation-states in the 19th and 20th centuries. Case studies will include Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania. Themes covered: social organization, prenational politics, imperialism, cultural and economic elites, the Ottoman heritage. One lecture, two preceptorials. M. Greene HIS 428 - Empire and Catastrophe (also HLS 428/MED 428) Not offered this year HA Catastrophe reveals the fragility of human society. This course examines a series of phenomena--plague, famine, war, revolution, economic depression etc.--in order to reach an understanding of humanity's imaginings of but also resilience to collective crises. We shall look in particular at how political forces such as empire have historically both generated and resisted global disasters. Material dealing with the especially fraught centuries at the transition between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period will be set alongside examples drawn from antiquity as well as our own contemporary era. T. Shawcross MED 227 - The Worlds of the Middle Ages (also HIS 227/HLS 227/HUM 227) Spring LA We will begin in 476 with the fall of Rome and will end in 1453, with the fall of New Rome (Constantinople). In between, we will trace the different trajectories that the area stretching from Iceland to Iran traveled along over the course of this fateful millennium. We will meet Northern barbarians, Arab armies, Vikings, Crusaders, Mongols, and the Ottomans; we will witness the birth of Islam and medieval Islamic civilization; Charlemagne's creation of the Western Roman empire; will see clashes between Popes and rulers and Caliphs and Muslim religious authorities. We will do all this and more, all the while asking: what were the Middle Ages? W. Jordan NES 433 - Imperialism and Reform in the Middle East and the Balkans (also HIS 433/HLS 434) HA The major Near Eastern abd Balkan diplomatic crises, the main developments in internal Near Eastern history, and the Eastern Question as perceived by the Great Powers. The focus will be on the possible connections between diplomatic crises and the process of modernization. One three-hour seminar. M. Hanioglu NES 437 - The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1800 (also HIS 337/HLS 337) HA An analysis of political, economic, and social institutions with emphasis on the problems of continuity and change, the factors allowing for and limiting Ottoman expansion, and Ottoman awareness of Europe. Two 90-minute classes. M. Greene PHI 205 - Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy (also CLA 205/HLS 208) Not offered this year EC Designed to introduce the student to the Greek contribution to the philosophical and scientific ideas of the Western world through study of works of Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Lucretius in English translation. Topics in moral and political philosophy, as well as epistemology and metaphysics, will be included. Attention will be focused on the quality of the arguments presented by the philosophers. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff PHI 300 - Plato and His Predecessors (also HLS 300) Not offered this year EC Readings in translation from pre-Socratic philosophers and from Plato's dialogues, to provide a broad history of Greek philosophy through Plato. Topics covered will include: Socrates's method of dialectic, his conceptions of moral virtue and human knowledge; Plato's theory of knowledge, metaphysics, and moral and political philosophy. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff PHI 301 - Aristotle and His Successors (also CLA 303/HLS 302) Not offered this year EC Aristotle's most important contributions in the areas of logic, scientific method, philosophy of nature, metaphysics, psychology, ethics, and politics. Several of his major works will be read in translation. Aristotle's successors in the Greco-Roman period will be studied briefly. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff PHI 335 - Greek Ethical Theory (also CHV 335/HLS 338) Not offered this year EM The development of moral philosophy in Greece. Intensive study of the moral theories of such philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, the early Stoics, and Sextus Empiricus. Two 90-minute lecture-discussion classes. Staff POL 301 - Political Theory, Athens to Augustine (also CLA 301/HLS 303/PHI 353) Not offered this year EM A study of the fundamental questions of political theory as framed in context of the institutions and writings of ancient Greek and Roman thinkers from the classical period into late antiquity and the spread of Christianity in Rome. We will canvass the meaning of justice in Plato's "Republic", the definition of the citizen in Aristotle's "Politics", to Cicero's reflections on the purpose of a commonwealth, and Augustine's challenge to those reflections and to the primacy of political life at all in light of divine purposes. Through classic texts, we explore basic questions of constitutional ethics and politics. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff REL 251 - The New Testament and Christian Origins (also HLS 251/MED 251) Not offered this year HA This course is a historical introduction to early Christian texts within and outside of the New Testament canon. We investigate how the Christian movement began, using ancient sources - Jewish, Greek, Roman, and Christian - about Jesus of Nazareth. We read the letters of the Apostle Paul and New Testament gospels, and the recently discovered gospels of Thomas and Mary. We will discuss the formation of the New Testament canon, views of Jesus, and attitudes toward gender, race and community. The course is accessible to students new to these sources, as well as to those familiar with them. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Staff REL 252 - Jesus: How Christianity Began (also CLA 252/HLS 252) Spring EC We investigate what is known about Jesus from earliest gospels, Roman and Jewish sources, and "gnostic gospels;" letters between a Roman governor and emperor telling why they had Jesus' followers tortured and executed; first hand accounts of conversion, trials and martyrdom's; how pagans saw Christians, and how the movement emerged from Judaism; debates over virgin birth, resurrection, sexual practices, gender roles; and how emperor Constantine's conversion-and the work of Augustine-transformed the movement. Two lectures, one preceptorial. A. Luijendijk