Robotics Jump To: Jump To: Program Offerings Minor Offering type Minor This minor is open to students in the Class of 2026 and later. Students in the Class of 2025 and earlier may obtain a Certificate in Robotics and Intelligent Systems — refer to the archived Undergraduate Announcement or the RIS webpage for details.Robotic systems offer the promise of transformative technological and societal impact. They hold the potential for a world where drones and legged robots conduct regular inspections and repairs of city infrastructure, fleets of autonomous vehicles fundamentally transform transportation, and mobile manipulators deployed across millions of homes help with common household tasks such as cooking and cleaning. They also promise new opportunities for taking care of our planet, ranging from environmental monitoring to hazard and waste remediation, and for exploring the unknown, from the deep sea to the solar system. However, for such systems to achieve mainstream deployment in both human-centered and remote environments, we must overcome major technical, systems-level and societal challenges.The Minor in Robotics seeks to provide students from a diverse range of majors an opportunity to gain an appreciation for these challenges, develop an understanding of the current state of the art, explore the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of robotics, consider issues of societal significance, and put these lessons into practice through project-based assignments in courses and through an independent work project or thesis. Goals for Student Learning Students gain an appreciation for fundamental technical, system-level and societal/economic challenges in robotics. Students develop an understanding of the current state of the art in different sub-areas (e.g., perception, planning, control, bio-inspired design and multi-agent interaction) of this rapidly evolving field, by exploring both cutting-edge academic research and field-deployed systems. Students explore the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of robotics by connecting questions, challenges and solutions in the field to other disciplines in engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts. Students consider issues of societal significance (e.g., privacy, fairness, economic challenges, challenges to the environment, and policy) with opportunities for focused course work on these issues.Students put these lessons into practice through project-based assignments in courses that include hands-on experiences with design and robotic hardware, and through a senior independent work project or thesis. Prerequisites The minor is open to students from any major who have a satisfactory background in mathematics, physics and computing. Students should have successfully completed or placed out of:Mathematics through multivariable calculus (MAT 201/203 or equivalent) and linear algebra (MAT 202/204 or equivalent).Introductory physics, including mechanics (PHY 103/105 or equivalent) and electromagnetism (PHY 104/106 or equivalent).Introductory computer science (COS 126, ECE 115, or equivalent). Admission to the Program Students enroll in the minor no earlier than the spring of sophomore year and no later than the spring of junior year, by filling out a form via an online portal. Program of Study Students in this minor program must satisfy both program and departmental requirements. The detailed program for each student is worked out by the student and the student's departmental academic adviser. The requirements for the minor are as follows. CoursesAll students must take five courses, including two core courses and three electives, selected from the lists of courses below. To qualify for the minor, a minimum grade average of B- in the five program courses is required. Program courses may not be taken on a pass/D/fail basis, unless that is the only grading alternative for the course. If a student places out of a course, another must be substituted to reach five. Students may use at most three courses to simultaneously satisfy requirements for this program and their major.Senior Independent Work or ThesisA one-term senior independent work project or two-term senior thesis whose topic is relevant to robotics must be completed and approved by the director through the online portal. Junior independent work projects do not fulfill the minor requirement. A minimum grade of B- for the project or thesis is required to qualify for the minor.Seminar AttendanceStudents are required to attend a minimum of five seminars in the Princeton Robotics Seminar series during their course of study, and to fill out an online attendance sheet.Lists of CoursesCore — two courses required:MAE 345 / COS 346 / ECE 345 Introduction to RoboticsECE 346 / COS 347 / MAE 346 Intelligent Robotic SystemsARC 380 Introduction to Robotics for Digital FabricationCEE 374 / STC 374 Autonomous Fabrication and RoboticsECE 302 Robotic and Autonomous Systems LabMAE 322 Mechanical DesignMAE 412 Microprocessors for Measurement and ControlMAE 416 / EEB 416 Bioinspired DesignElectives – three courses required:Any of the courses in the “core” list may be counted as electives if a student takes more than two courses from that list. Additional accepted courses are listed below.ARC 374 Computational Thinking for Design, Architecture, and EngineeringCBE 430 / MAE 430 / MSE 430 Squishy Engineering: Using Soft Materials to Solve Hard ProblemsCEE 345 / MAE 327 / MSE 345 / STC 345 Origami Engineering COS 324 Introduction to Machine LearningCOS 350 Ethics of ComputingCOS 429 Computer VisionCOS 484 Natural Language ProcessingECE 206 / COS 306 Contemporary Logic DesignECE 302 Building Real SystemsECE 482 Digital Signal ProcessingEEB 325 Mathematical Modeling in Biology and MedicineEEB 329 Sensory EcologyMAE 321 Engineering DesignMAE 341 Space FlightMAE 342 Space System DesignMAE 432 Deep Learning and Physical SystemsMAE 433 Automatic Control SystemsMAE 434 Modern ControlORF 307 / EGR 307 OptimizationORF 467 Transportation System AnalysisPSY 360 / COS 360 Computational Models of CognitionPSY 454 / COS 454 Probabilistic Models of CognitionPSY 475 / ENE 475 Human Factors 2.0–Psychology for Engineering, Energy, and Environmental DecisionsSPI 365 Tech EthicsSPI 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301 Ethics and Public Policy Faculty For a full list of faculty members and fellows please visit the department or program website. Courses MAE 322 - Mechanical Design (also ROB 322) Fall This course builds on the technical foundation established in 321, and extends the scope to include a range of advanced mechanical design. Teams of students will design and fabricate a wheeled robotic system that will draw upon multidisciplinary engineering elements. The robot will facilitate common daily tasks which vary each year. CAD, CAE, and CAM will be utilized in the design/simulation/prototype process. Labs are designed to reinforce and expand CAD and CAE skills. Two 90-minute lectures, one laboratory. Prerequisites: 321 or instructor's permission. D. Nosenchuck MAE 345 - Introduction to Robotics (also COS 346/ECE 345/ROB 345) Fall Robotics is a rapidly-growing field with applications including unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous cars, and robotic manipulators. This course will provide an introduction to the basic theoretical and algorithmic principles behind robotic systems. The course will also allow students to get hands-on experience through project-based assignments. Topics include inverse kinematics, motion planning, localization, mapping, vision, and reinforcement learning. Prerequisites: MAT 201 or 203, MAT 202 or 204, COS 126. Recommended ORF 309 and MAE 305. A.B. students ST requirement; B.S.E. students 1st-year science requirement. Two 90-minute lectures. R. Nagpal MAE 412 - Microprocessors for Measurement and Control (also ROB 412) Spring Introduction to microcontroller applications. A laboratory course dealing with the design and construction of self-contained computer-based electronics projects. Major topics include a review of digital and linear electronics, an introduction to microcomputer architecture and assembly language programming, device interfacing, mechanical mechanisms, electromechanical actuation, and system design. Two lectures, two two-hour laboratories. Prerequisite: 221 and 224, or equivalent. M. Littman MAE 416 - Bioinspired Design (also EEB 416/ROB 416) Fall The bioinspired design course offers interdisciplinary, advanced design and critical thinking experience. Students will work in teams to integrate biological knowledge into the engineering design process. The course uses case studies to show how biological solutions can be transferred into engineering design. The case studies will include themes such as locomotion, materials, and sensing. By the end of the course, students will be able to use analogical design concepts to engineer a prototype based on biological function. A. Wissa